Like it? Cite It! At UBUNTU Research and Evaluation, we advocate for ethical citation practices, particularly when acknowledging the intellectual and creative contributions of Black communities, women and other gender-marginalized people with intersectional identities. If you find inspiration or knowledge from our work, cite it with care. Proper citation honors the labor and brilliance shared with you. Include the presenter’s name, our organization, the date, and the context where you encountered this insight.
Citation practices uphold the community and lineage we honor. By citing accurately, we affirm each person’s contribution and sustain a field grounded in justice, respect, and shared progress. Citation reflects a commitment to equity and intellectual honesty.
Cite people, cite us—it’s how we honor and contribute to the legacy of Black speculative thinkers. Hold this as we invite you to be transformed by our presentations below, and to—of course—cite UBUNTU.